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Sea of Minds


Sea of minds is Axelle VM Philtjens' bachelor graduation project. It's a mixed media work made with altered polaroid instant film and altered positive dia film.
In Sea of Minds Philtjens explores the possibility of visualizing memories and the emotions that are attached to them. Memories consist out of emotions and events, they are different to everyone yet somehow the same.

In Sea of Minds Axelle invites the viewer to come along on a journey throughout the human mind. To re-experience their own memories and rethink their truth.
The images in this work are based of collective but also personal memories. The damage and alterations to both media symbolizes the damage emotions have on memories, thus making them subjective.

The music that accompanies and inspired this work is called And heart breaks and Hidden sea buried deep from the album stage 3 from Everywhere at the end of Time by The Caretaker. Everywhere at the end of time is an audio representation of the stadia the human mind goes through when affected by dementia. It shows the detoriation of memories and how this feels.

Exclusive prints of What Remains of you and Unknown are available at Gallery Nostrum, Waver BE. 

On exhibition during
Fragmentility at Kavka Oudaan Antwerp 30 & 31/10/2021

Lost in Translation 13/05 - 05/06 2022
PhotoTWENS 2022 09/09 - 25/09 2022
What Remains... 2022  22.10.22 – 23.12.22

What Remains of You
What Remains of You
What Remains of You
What Remains of You
dia _3.JPG
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